Title: Youkai / Battle Lolis / The Guanoson
Artists: Battle Lolis, The Guanoson, Youkai
Year of release: 2013
Format(s): Cassette, mp3
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6l8fsejk45id3u6/Youkai%252C_Battle_Lolis%252C_The_Guanoson_%255BBL_tracks_only%255D.rar/file
1. These Jewish Lolis Shall Bathe
2. Aleida's Noble Guard
3. Lolita SS Terror
4. Raven in the Night
5. My Dreams of Aleida Hitler
6. Victory Before Us
7. Fragments Of Broken Dreams [by Youkai]
8. Youko's Dead (I'll Wait For You Ladybug) [by Youkai]
9. The Night Yucy Died [by Youkai]
10. Coffee At Cafe Alpha [by Youkai]
11. Shogo & Hiromi's Oil Fire [by Youkai]
12. Giving Up [by Youkai]
13. Champion Shuffleboard Player [by Youkai]
14. Spewbaki No [by Youkai]
15. But In The End We All Die Anyway [by Youkai]
16. Wohlan, die Zeit ist kommen [by The Guanoson]
17. Xiaolongao fo breakfast [by The Guanoson]
18. Time to split the earth [by The Guanoson]
19. Lolis From Thule (Short Version) [by The Guanoson]
20. Sacrifice unto Guanoson [by The Guanoson]
21. Post-wired [by The Guanoson]