Title: Radar & The Quiet Winter
Artists: Battle Lolis
Year of release: 2019
Format(s): mp3, wav
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/a20oy9vh70ym2kh/Radar_%2526_The_Quiet_Winter.rar/file
Artists: Battle Lolis
Year of release: 2019
Format(s): mp3, wav
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/a20oy9vh70ym2kh/Radar_%2526_The_Quiet_Winter.rar/file
1. The Mississippi Line
2. трус
3. Unrestricted (Lone Wolf Of The Pacific I)
4. Whispering Death
5. Radar
6. Закончен Бой
7. Sinking Her Fangs Deep (Lone Wolf Of The Pacific II)
8. Radar's Cry
9. Her Final Fight (Lone Wolf Of The Pacific III)
10. Collateral Damage
11. Radar's Long Sleep
12. Radar's Fight
Note: Art by mendics