Title: NS Loli
Artists: Battle Lolis, Loli Waffen SS, The Guanoson
Year of release: 2010
Format(s): mp3
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/aa9npw45ruo14ak/NS_Loli.rar/file
1. Perdition '39
2. Polenfeldzug
3. Loli-Axis Advance
4. Battlefields of Wet Dreams and Bloodshed
5. Tora! Tora! Tora!
6. Loli USA
7. Der grosste Krieg [by The Guanoson]
8. Display of loliness in front of the enemy (to get to the alarm) [by The Guanoson]
9. Teaching her how to use her first bra (Kobato mix) [by The Guanoson]
10. La Gran CanciĆ³n de Los Tankes [by The Guanoson]
11. Lil' flute player [by The Guanoson]
12. Himmler over the world [by The Guanoson]
13. Gun salute to the fallen lolis of the Sturmabteilung [by The Guanoson]
14. Wotan Mit Loli [by Loli Waffen SS]
15. Swift Eradication of Inferiors [by Loli Waffen SS]
16. Expeditions Into Tibet For Swastika Pantsu of Aryan Origin [by Loli Waffen SS]
17. Turning Cities Into Mass Graves [by Loli Waffen SS]
18. Tale of an Osakan Wehrmacht Loli [by Loli Waffen SS]