Eleven & Warbound

Title: Eleven & Warbound
Artists: Battle Lolis
Year of release: 2018
Format(s): mp3, CD-R
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/x2pk11dbgukl0kj/Eleven_%2526_Warbound.rar/file


1. The Pacific Exercise
2. ликое Вторжение
3. CG-73
4. Pearl Harbor 2011
5. Puget Sound
6. Death at San Diego
7. 7-я гвардейская десантно-штурмовая
8. Победный удар
9. Passionate, Hateful Cries
10. Dancing Eagles
11. Battle of Yuma
12. Prowling the Ocean Depths
13. Migration
14. Major General Sparks
15. Nobility
16. First Line Drawn
17. The Lone Star Stand
18. Her Fierce Will to Fight

Note: Art by CeridwenArt